ParentVUE is a secure web-based information management system that provides parents/guardians the ability to view their child's assignments, grades, attendance and contact information. ParentVUE is free to all YSA families and is available from any computer with internet access.
Mobile App URL: https://ysacs.edupoint.com/ |
How to Use ParentVUE
You must have activation codes to register for a ParentVUE account. Please contact Mr. Wielkie for your activation codes.
- a computer with internet access, and
- a valid username and password.
If parents/guardians do not have internet access at home, they may access ParentVUE from a computer at the local public library, community center, or anywhere Internet access is available.
Getting Help
If you have questions about grades or attendance, contact your teacher.
If you have questions about your account, including pass codes, please contact Mr. Wielkie.